Summary of Ohminator
Ohminator is a Discord Bot with audio-playing capabilities. It can play audio from different
video sources like YouTube, SoundCloud and Twitch. It also has built in queueing and you can
even add a playlist into the queue directly from YouTube. In addition Ohminator has the commands
and features expected of an audio player.
A dedicated channel is used for output to reduce spam. This is automatically created as "bot-spam".
It is recommended to mute this channel as it will be spammed every time the bot is interacted with.
Another feature of Ohminator is intros. Intros are small audio clips chosen by each user,
playing upon joining a channel. The point is to have something unique and recognizable associated
to each user so you know who is joining without having to check. It's also fun and creative.
Lastly Ohminator hosts different features like text-to-speech in different languages,
possibility to compare steam games library to find shared multiplayer or co-op games, automatic
team distribution and more, smaller utility functions. The list will continue expanding based on
requests from users. Work is also being done on creating a web-service to complement Ohminator.
If you have suggestions you can submit them by using the command !suggest [your suggestion].
Audio Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
yt, play, p |
link or search term |
Plays audio from YouTube or other sources in voice channel of caller. Can be a direct link to video or playlist or search term. |
yttop, playtop, pt |
link or search term |
Works as the yt command, but puts the audio at the top of the queue. |
stop, s |
Stops playing sound from the audio player and clears the queue. |
pause, pa |
Pauses playing sound from the audio player. |
resume, r |
Resumes playing sound from the audio player. |
skip, sk |
Skips to the next playing in the queue if one exists. |
queue, q |
index optional |
Lists the playlist queue. Use reactions to scroll in the queue. |
repeat, again, a |
Repeats the currently playing song. |
shuffle, sh |
Shuffles the playlist queue. |
next, n |
Displays the next song in the queue. |
volume, sv |
volume in percent optional |
Displays and changes the current volume of the current song. |
delete, d |
index |
Deletes the song with the given index from the playlist queue. |
vote, v |
index |
Vote for a song to skip the queue. You can only vote for one song once. |
playbuttons |
Prints out functional audio-player buttons that can be interacted with by using reactions. |
summon, lock |
channel id or name optional |
Locks the bot to your voice channel or a given voice channel. |
unsummon, release |
Releases the bot from a voice channel. |
fixaudio |
Forces the bot to disconnect from voice. This should fix audio issues caused by the bot. |
Intro Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
intro, i |
index optional |
Plays one of your intros at random. Can play intro at given index. |
introstop, stopintro, is |
Stops playing the currently playing intro. |
myintros, intros, mi |
Lists all of your intros. |
deleteintro, introdelete |
index |
Deletes intro at given index. |
upload, up, u |
Uploads an intro. File must use the .wav or .mp3 file format. Upload the file through Discord and put the command as the comment. |
Default Intro Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
defaultintro, di |
index optional |
Plays one of the default intros at random. Can play default intro at given index. |
defaultintros, dis, listdefaultintros, ldi |
Lists all of the default intros. |
deletedefaultintro, ddi |
index |
Deletes default intro at given index. |
uploaddefaultintro, udi |
Uploads an default intro. File must use the .wav or .mp3 file format. Upload the file through Discord and put the command as the comment. |
Step-by-step guide on how to upload an intro
- Step 1:
Find a suitable intro. The file format must be .wav or .mp3.
Audio length should be no less than 3 seconds and no more than 10 seconds.
The sweet spot is 5-6 seconds.
- Step 2:
Click the "upload file button" in Discord in any channel belonging to the server you want your intro to play in,
and upload the file you want to play as your intro. Intros are server specific. You can alternatively
drag the file you want directly into the channel.
- Step 3:
You will be prompted by Discord if you want to add an optional comment with your upload. This is where you
write the upload command, !upload, and click upload.
If successful the bot should reply that the upload was successful. If not successful, try each step again or
try changing the file.
List of Utility Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
settings |
channel or server id required, [setting to change, value to change to] optional |
Lists settings for the given id if only id is supplied. If setting and value is supplied, the setting is changed to that value. |
suggest |
suggestion |
Lets you suggest new features and improvements! |
getbotinvite, gbi |
Gives you a link so you can invite the bot to your server. It needs all permissions to be able to function properly. |
ping |
Prints out "Pong!". |
joined |
Tells you when you joined the server! |
roll |
lowest, highest |
Roll a number between lowest and highest. |
List over Settings
Server Specific Settings
Name |
Values |
Description |
tts_language |
no, en, sv, da, more... |
Changes the language of the text-to-speech command.
See this for full list of supported languages.
Channel Specific Settings
Name |
Values |
Description |
pin_yt_playlists |
True, False |
Enables the pinned playlist message in the given channel. The pinned playlist message is a message updated in real-time giving playlist information.
It is always enabled in the bot-spam channel.
List of Other Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
sharedgames |
steam custom url |
Get a list over shared multi-player and co-op games from the Steam library. Give one or more public profiles with custom steam urls as parameters. |
slot |
Simple slot game as proof of concept. You either win or you don't. |
tts, say |
text |
Using the gTTS engine the bot will say what is given as text. The language can be changed server-wise by changing the tts_language parameter. |
rlstats |
steam/ps4/xbox-ID or public steam profile |
Get your rank points from the latest season of Rocket League. |
Team Distribution Commands
Command |
Parameters |
Description |
team join |
Join the queue awaiting to be placed on a team. |
team leave |
Leave the queue awaiting to be placed on a team. |
split |
number of teams |
Split the current waiting queue into the given number of teams. This will create new team channels. |
removeteams |
Delete the team channels generated by split. Be careful as this will delete all channels following the naming convention used by the team channels. |